Cesarean Delivery

Cesarean Delivery is popular in cases where the vaginal birth may cause complications for the mother or baby. It is a surgical mode of delivery where incision is made to extract the baby. Sometimes cesarean delivery is pre planned where patients are not comfortable with vaginal birth and in most cases it results due to other factors including:

  • the baby is coming out feet first (breech birth)
  • previous cesarean delivery
  • early pregnancy complications
  • baby has developmental conditions
  • baby’s head is too big for the birth canal
  • problems with the placenta, such as placental abruption or placenta previa
  • mother’s health problems, such as high blood pressure or unstable heart disease
  • stalled labor
  • mother has active genital herpes that could be transmitted to the baby
  • problems with the umbilical cord
  • the baby is coming out shoulder first (transverse labor)
  • reduced oxygen supply to the baby

To ease out the process, you are given epidural which can numb your lower body. Our experts also offer general anesthesia, which is rare in planned c sections.

At Wellcare Abu Dhabi, your wellbeing and fitness our priority. You can discuss your preferences with our healthcare providers and stay prepared for the big day.

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