Cosmetic Restoration

At Wellcare Medical, a variety of restoration treatments are offered depending on your dental situation. The best way to select your preferred cosmetic restoration treatment is to visit and get yourself examined by the dental expert. Sometimes you are advised to undergo a dental treatment prior to the cosmetic restoration.

Wellcare Abu Dhabi has a team of certified professionals and they can advise you to get any of the following:

  1. Invisalign Braces
  2. Tooth Bleaching-considered the best for the people looking for an instant transformation in their smiles
  3. Enamel Bonding
  4. Dental Veneers
  5. Enamel Abrasion

Get your smile back with the cosmetic restoration and get rid of the crooked and unaligned teeth. This restoration process is popular amongst the clients owing to the perfect natural look that it gives to their teeth. The visual appearance is enhanced, which can boost your confidence to a great extent. Many celebrities go for this treatment to get a flawless smile!

The team can educate you about each process and its efficacy / suitability in your case. The cost, duration and results of each treatment may vary considerably hence, a prior appointment is given to the patients to understand their needs and results.

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