Operative vaginal delivery

The most preferred mode of delivery is vaginal delivery.
Often the vaginal birth needs to be assisted with forceps, vacuum and other interventions. The decision to conduct operative vaginal delivery is typically made during the second stage of labor based on certain factors including:

  • Suspicion of fetal compromise (eg, abnormal heart rate pattern)
  • Prolonged 2nd stage of labor (from full cervical dilation until delivery of the fetus)
  • Need to shorten the 2nd stage for maternal benefit

Our clinicians are active throughout the process to determine if any instruments need to be used by confirming about cervical dilation. We always look at the fetal position, confirm the rupture of veins, and check the pelvic dimensions. Our neonatal care providers are available for support to avoid any complications during the procedure.

The choice of instrument largely depends on the surgeon. All our surgeons are equipped with modern knowledge, experience and skills which are needed to conduct the operative vaginal delivery and save the mother and newborn from any complications. Our Medical Center has the right equipment and tools
You must understand and discuss the different modes of delivery during your antenatal appointments to stay informed for the final day.

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